Yannik Knobloch - Profilo di sponsorizzazione | Sponsoo


I am a German American, 22 year old, up and coming decathlon athlete. I compete nationally and internationally.es.


I believe that my charismatic personality and my ability to sway the crowds favorably makes me an optimal candidate for sponsorships and product placement. I am open to work with any size of company. I am comfortable doing television advertisements and photoshoots.

Sponsor desiderato

My ideal sponsor would be anything sports related. performance drinks, supplements, clothing, and training equipment.

Reach / Links

I più grandi successi

I have competed in numerous international competitions , as well as several National championships.

Dati fondamentali per gli sponsor

1.280 followers on Instagram 

4.200 followers on TikTok 

local and regional Press presence 

roughly 500/1.000 + audience per event 

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