Vilhelmiina Eskola - Profilo di sponsorizzazione | Sponsoo


13-vuotias kansainvälistä koulua käyvä, Suomen maajoukkueeseen kuuluva ratsastusurheilija


I’m a 13-year old eventing rider from Tampere currently riding in the regional training team in eventing and the Finnish national team in dressage for child riders.

Help us in achieving our goals while promoting your brand to an engaged audience. Let’s create a partnership built on shared success.

I hope to receive support to compete in this valuable sport, so that I can develop properly and get quality training.


Reach / Links

Dati fondamentali per gli sponsor

We’re active on Instagram with plans to expand video content on TikTok. Our posts are engaging, reaching a dedicated audience. We’re ready to integratesponsor branding into our content.

Opportunities for Exposure

We’d love to showcase sponsorlogos on our gears and competition outfits, and equipment. Visibility for brandat regional and national events.

Profili connessi

Tampereen Ratsastusseura (Club)


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