My name is thanos(20 years old).I study psychology and am also a national,European and world taekwondo and kick boxing champion and an active member of the greek national team for 5 years.I am looking for sponsors which can help me fulfill my goals.
Good morning.My name is Thanos Haldoupis, I am a 20-year-old student of psychology. I am involved in the championship in the sport of taekwondo and kickboxing, as I am also an active member of the national team. I have distinctions both in Greece, with several Panhellenic medals, and abroad, in pan-European and world championships.Specifically I have been 2 times European champion, 12 times national champion and 1 time world champion.However, I do not have the possibility to participate in several international competitions abroad.So i am looking for sponsorships and collaborations that will help me and my goals. Thank you very much for your time and I hope there will be some kind of collaboration!