Pierre-Adrien Lagrange - Profilo di sponsorizzazione | Sponsoo

Pierre-Adrien Lagrange

 Pully Atletica leggera


35x Swiss and 6x European Masters Champion, World n°4 in Indoor Tetradecathlon and n°7 in Decathlon


30.09.2021 09:25 ·

25 September 2021: Swiss Masters Athletics National Championship

Gold medal and M35 National Title in:

- 100m

- 200m

- Long jump

- Triple jump

- Shot put

What a day!

#RunWithPA #RoadToJapan2022 #MastersAthlete #FastLife #OldButGold #TrackAndField #Athletics

Pierre-Adrien Lagrange è stata menzionata nei media
04.12.2019 16:10 ·
Data Articolo Raggiungere
12.09.2017 Stade Lausanne Athlétisme Website — CS U20/U23 – A domicile, en finale, en or ! – Stade Lausanne athlétisme 1.500
07.09.2019 Athle.ch — Torino Master Games à Turin - ATHLE.ch n/a  

Reach / Links

I più grandi successi

IAUM Tetradecathlon World Championships 4th and WMA Decathlon World Championships 7th
IMGA 6x European Gold Medalist & EMA 4x European finalist
35x Swiss Masters National champion

Dati fondamentali per gli sponsor

More than 4,000 followers between Facebook, Twtter, Instagram and Linkedin.


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