La più grande piattaforma per la sponsorizzazione sportiva. | Sponsoo


Climbing the highest peaks of Europe with no aid other than my legs, traveling only by public transport, all in the course of a year


I am an athlete that puts his soul into everything he does, including physical activities. Before giving up on an endeavor I am pushing my body and my mind past their limits and I think this will give me the necessary push to finalize this project.
Besides the physical part, I put part of my soul and effort into documenting my trips in the form of videos in order to inspire people to get out of their comfort zones and embrace movement and nature more. 
The interesting part of climbing all the highest peaks of Europe lies in the details. I want to prove that on a small and well-connected continent like Europe it can be possible to travel anywhere by public transportation (bus, train, ferry) and do so in a sustainable, responsible way. It would be easier to do this using airplanes and cars, but all that is fun is not easy. 
My previous adventures, especially the one I did last summer, cycling around Europe, showed me how critical the situation of our environment is and how human actions are abusing nature. This inspired me to want to support an organization that does something in this regard and I will use this project for this purpose: raising funds from my community and also hoping some of my sponsors will be willing to contribute as well

Sponsor desiderato

The ideal sponsor for me is interested in a long-term collaboration. shares a love for nature and believes in this project and is also interested in supporting a good cause that will help future generations enjoy the wonders of our forests and mountains

Utilizzo della Sponsorizzazione

I would use the sponsorship for acquiring necessary gear and finance the travel expenses

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