Nicholas Evans - Profilo di sponsorizzazione | Sponsoo

Nicholas Evans

 Ashville Bowling


I'm a 29 year old who is seeking to become a full time professional bowler.


I am looking for sponsorship for my professional bowling career. I would love to represent your company and hopefully grow business for each company that sponsors me.

Sponsor desiderato

My ideal sponsor is anyone who is willing to support my career and also want to get their business name out to help gain more customers.

I più grandi successi

I hold numerous records at my high school. I have been bowling for 25 years and have been to numerous states to bowl including USBC open championships in Reno, Nevada and Syracuse, New York. March 2025 I will be competing in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 

Dati fondamentali per gli sponsor

Cost for logo to be on jersey $825/ yr 

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