Milan Tallman - Profilo di sponsorizzazione | Sponsoo

Milan Tallman

 Gainesville Pallavolo


14 year old aspiring collegiate and professional volleyball player. 4x National Champion, NTDP, A5 Volleyball Club


Milan Tallman ha condiviso 2 foto
07.11.2024 06:00 ·

Dati fondamentali per gli sponsor

She is between 500-600 followers on her social media platforms which is impressive considering she doesn't own a phone. We can't afford a phone for her at the moment and are hoping that sponsorship opportunities will allow her to purchase a phone and control her own social media or at least have more influence on it. 

Her handle on all platforms (IG, TikTok, YouTube) is tallmtvb_9.

Profili connessi

A5 (Club)
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