La più grande piattaforma per la sponsorizzazione sportiva. | Sponsoo

Kat Dobrotvorskaya

 Denver Arti Marziali


Website development project and looking for long term partnerships. This section isn't long enough for my plan.


I'm reaching out to your team to see if there would be any interest in a mutually beneficial relationship. My name is Kat and I'm on a team of amazing individuals who are all working together to develop a website that would provide gym owners with reliable data based on simple and minimally subjective reviews which would be stored and monitored by In exchange for donations, we're offering CEUs for gyms, brand recognition with listed donors, and the ability for gyms to avoid potential liability concerns. If this sounds beneficial to your marketing/branding teams, we're hosting a seminar that will be conducted by Vickie Vortex and Anthony Burchak in January and I'd love to get as much help from the community as possible to kickstart this project. 

Kat Dobrotvorskaya


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