I am a cycle traveler, I traveled the world by bicycle for more than 10 years, I ride through 84 countries, and more than 110.000 kilometers. I experienced various situations, adventures, challenges, difficult and pleasant moments. Always respecting myself, as well as other sentient beings, places, customs, religions, and essences. I decided to live within love, compassion, empathy, solidarity and respect. It is part of learning, my essence and my vision of life.
I finished the planned round the world trip in May 2023 in New Zealand. I am currently cycling through Southeast Asia, first in Malaysia and now traveling through Thailand.
I joined SPONSOO because I want to continue with my passion, to continue traveling the world by bicycle, but at the same time with a new project or challenge. I am motivated by being able to unite my project with the project of a sponsor, it is a great challenge to join forces, and to be able to create and develop it as a team. I am open to proposals, to create ties and materialize ideas into a tangible reality.
I need financial assistance and/or equipment to continue my trip.
I decided to live within my dream, now we have the opportunity to unite dreams together...
My account in Facebook https://www.facebook.com/favio.giorgio/
Page in Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SuenosAPedal/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/favio.m.giorgio/
My videos in YouTube