Brampton Royals 15U Select - Profilo di sponsorizzazione | Sponsoo

Brampton Royals 15U Select

 Brampton-Brampton Southwest Baseball


15U Select Baseball team from Brampton that plays in the Central Ontario Baseball association loop.


The 2025 Brampton Royals Bantam (15U) Select baseball team is seeking sponsorship for the upcoming baseball season. We are part of Brampton Minor Baseball Inc (BMBI), which is run by parent and community volunteers. 

As a sponsor your financial assistance directly supports our team of players in developing themselves through sport. Sponsorship funds help pay for training facilities, team equipment and helps to offset fees associated with playing league and tournament games. This helps both our athletes and their families in focusing on skill development and takes off some of the pressures and stress associated with a higher level of sport.

For you, this sponsorship provides brand recognition through the placement of your company logo on our banner and your brand tagged on our social media account(s), recognized community involvement, and positive public relations.

Reach / Links

Dati fondamentali per gli sponsor

Brampton Royals 15U Select - 2010/2011 (@bramptonroyalsselect2011) • Instagram photos and videos over 200 followers

Over 20+ family members per game around ontario



Profili connessi

BMBI (Club)
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